Advice to Members: Mr William Hurley

Dear All
After twenty (20) years on the Club’s Committee, Mr William Hurley, has decided to step down from the Committee.
Mr Hurley has been a City Tattersalls Club Committee Member since 1993. Throughout this time, he has seen and been involved with many changes to the Club. He has tendered his resignation so that the Club may align to section 30(1)(b1) of the Registered Clubs Act, which states that the maximum number of Committee Members is nine (9).
Mr Hurley has been a very valued Committee Member whose insights and business acumen have been important and will be missed.
The Committee and I wish Mr Hurley all the very best for the future and thank him for his contributions to the Club’s Committee.
No doubt, we will continue to see him at the Club and at Club activities, as he remains a committed member.

Yours faithfully

Patrick Campion
City Tattersalls Club