The idea of developing the Club’s airspace has been discussed since the late 1960’s and was made part of the Club’s Development Control Plan in 2003. 194 Pitt Street was purchased in 2007 and as part of that plan to develop the airspace.A development of the Club’s airspace has the potential to maximise:
The Committee considers that the time may be right to move forward with this part of the Club’s Controlled Development Plan. The Committee’s intention is to now proceed to obtain a Pre-Development Application advice which is essentially a “comfort document” from the Sydney City Council which advises that a proposed development has reasonably good prospects of being approved and on what conditions. Armed with a Pre-DA advice, the Club can go to the market with higher confidence to seek an interested, serious, high quality development partner.
A set of Guiding Principles will govern the Committee’s consideration of the airspace development.
The proposed development (for the purposes of the Pre-DA advice) as at the date of this meeting involves a 40 storey tower over 3 of the existing Club buildings. The proposed tower is to be a mixture of serviced apartment floors and private apartments. This proposal is subject to change as the work on the proposal progresses.
The construction period is likely to be 2-3 years and there will be consequent disruption, but every effort must be made to minimise it as the Club will continue to trade throughout the period.
Major changes that have happened, or are proposed to happen, all around the Club involve, Hilton Hotel, Pitt Street Mall, Westfield, QT Hotel, Swiss Hotel, Top Shop and Gowings re-development as well as the ANZ Building, almost at the completion stage.
No decision to proceed with a development of our airspace will take place without the approval of members. The Committee proposes to proceed to obtain the Pre-DA advice at a cost not exceeding $100,000.
The proposed airspace development is as challenging an idea as it is exciting. I ask members to keep an open mind about it and consider the information as and when it is made available.
Patrick Campion
City Tattersalls Club